Challenge Progress
It’s quick and easy to add your progress
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Challenge Evidence
Submit progress at any time!
It’s quick and easy to add your progress and upload your files.
Add your progress whenever you like in your account. You can add it in all in one go at the end of the month, or after every workout, it’s totally up to you!
Simply access this by logging into your account or in your app!
You’ll also find a live progress bar in your account, so each time you add your miles in you’ll be able to see how you’re getting on and stay motivated throughout the month!

Don’t have an account?
You can still submit evidence!
If you don’t have an account you’ll just need to let us know how you’ve got on with your challenge at the end of the month. We will send you an email with a link on the last day of the challenge where you can let confirm you’ve completed your challenge. Unlike account holders, guests can only do this in one go and not throughout the month.
Being able to submit evidence at any time is just one of the benefits of signing up for an account. Having an account with Race At Your Pace unlocks many additional functions– sign up for an account now to experience the benefits!
Evidence Made Easy
It’s easy to record the distances you are covering and prove your miles.
If you have a tracker, Fitbit, Garmin, Apple Watch, phone app (like Strava or Nike) or any other similar recording device it is easy to record your exercise, just upload a photo or screenshot either as you go or all at the end of the month by logging into your account and tapping challenges, add progress. At the end of the month all you need to do is mark your challenge as complete and your medal will be on its way!
This info will help you with recording your miles. We also have monthly trackers you can print – perfect for keeping an eye on your progress throughout the month!
If you need help converting your distances from kilometres to miles, or working out how many miles you’ve swum in a pool, check out our calculators below!
If you are really struggling to record evidence, or something goes wrong with your phone, app, or tracker, all is not lost. Just pop us an email and let us know. Ultimately, we do not believe anyone would falsely claim a medal they had not earned – why would you?
Add progress screenshots from any tracking app. Popular options include:

Distance Converter
Use the below converter to change your kilometre distances into miles for your evidence entry.